Engine Shed takes shape
After a good many hours of discussion interpreting the tiny image, no bigger than a postage stamp, in S.C. Brees, Chris has now brought it back to life
1/26/20242 min read

The Christmas break provided a chance to make a start on a building for Coventry. There are really only two, the Station with its forecourt and stairs etc, and the engine shed/pump house. It’s the latter that I chose and I have to admit I’m quite pleased to be able to finish it before the end of the month. Perhaps this is one of those rare (only?) times when I’ve set myself a time frame and actually achieved it!
The main structure is ‘Perspex’ sheet which I find quite stable and strong in the long term. This is clad in brick embossed styrene (Slaters) and assorted laminations of plain and embossed styrene build up the various depths required. This is the first time I’ve used Limonene as a solvent and I have to say it performs better than any of the assortment of plastic solvents I’ve used before.
The roof is card recycled from the back of a box containing Port, the consumption of the Port was a necessary sacrifice in order to access the card but one suffers for one’s art occasionally…
Slates are paper, marked out on an A4 sheet then cut into strips. I was not careful enough when spacing the courses and they’re a bit random but that’s a lesson learned the hard way.

Lighting is provided by one dim oil lamp cast in clear resin around an LED and then fitted with a resin cast top and brass bracket, again from scratch. This will provide a little illumination to the front of the shed, a sort of exhibition novelty!
Windows are an etch I commissioned specially and I have Mike Waldron of the Brighton Circle to thank for those. They are laminated together with a piece of microscope cover glass in between which gives a touch of realism to the reflections.

Paintwork is Humbrol enamels as I’m used to them and being an old fart, I’m reluctant to move over to acrylic paints just yet.
One side of the shed is open. It is highly unlikely that the shed was built this way but it will help in terms of operating the layout and faces away from the viewing public. I intend to fully detail the interior so it will help to be able to see the results.
Next up is the adjoining pump house, although I haven’t yet set a deadline for that.